Office 2016 For Mac Keeps Asking To Activate

I ran in to this issue where Outlook 2016 for OSX said it required to be activated. Very annoying as I don’t have a 365 account and that is what it requires before you can use it. It seems that this problem was caused by the fact that I used an older version of the preview/beta in the past. It can simply be solved be taking the following steps:

Activate office 2016 for mac

Office 2016 keeps asking for activation Not really sure what the deal is here. I've installed Office 2016 on a machine for a teacher, and it ends up asking for the activation key after a period of time. Here are the steps to activate Microsoft Office 2016 without Product Key Free. Free Activation Method of Microsoft Office 2016 without any Software. Supported Microsoft Office Products.

How To Activate Office On Mac

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type: defaults delete
  3. Type: killall cfprefsd
  4. Exit the Terminal session and launch Outlook

How To Activate Office 2016


Office 2016 For Mac Keeps Asking To Activate Account

This basically deletes all the current settings for Outlook and wipes the cache. Now you can enter your details again and it will all work as expected.