Gamers don’t fear the apocalypse because they survive battles every day. Quite right, isn’t it? If you’re a passionate gamer, then you would relate to this. Gaming takes you in a whole new virtual space where the objectives of your life take a spin, especially if you indulge in shooting games like Counter-Strike, PUBG, or anything of the Battle Royale genre. Looking for the best PC games of First Person Shooter experience? Whether you want to kill some stress or just looking for a new entertainment source, PC games can keep you glued to your screens 24×7.
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- Best Online Fps Games For Mac Free
- Best Games For Mac
- Best Online Fps Games For Mac Games
So, are shooting games good for us or not? The debate on this subject has been going on for ages. But there’s no hardcore evidence stating that playing FPS (First Person Shooter) games can prove out to be hazardous. Some experts say that occupying yourself in arcade games can help your mind grow, improving your lifestyle. It allows you to interact in a community, makes you a better decision-maker, and other endless benefits. So, no matter what they say, keep your gaming spirits high, fellas!
Well, without any further ado, here are the 26 best online games for PC you can play in 2021. Best Online Games for PC in 2021. In this article, we have listed all the best online games for PC in 2021. You can check the entire list by using the table of content below. You can click on the name of a game to move to its position in the article. The more games you can play the more gamers will buy Macs. The more gamers buy Macs the more native games will come to the Mac. And seeing many consoles sell games that are capped at 30fps I don’t think that’s such a big issue. People really serious will want Windows anyway because it’s the best platform for gaming for now without a doubt.
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Here are the 10 best PC games of the First Person Shooter (FPS) genre that you can play right now on Windows 10. But before we start our list, let’s get a quick understanding of what precisely the term “First Person Shooter” means.
What are First Person Shooter Games?
Imagine yourself in an action movie, acting as a lead protagonist where everything revolves around you and your perspective. How does that feel? Impressive, isn’t it? So, First Person Shooter games typically outline this scenario where you’re in the lead, holding a gun or any other combat weapon with a sole target to kill your enemies.
10 Best Free FPS PC Games on Windows 10
Download The Best Free First Person Shooter Games for Windows 10, 8,7 PC”
1. PUBG (Player’s Unknown BattleGround)
One of the most popular mobile games for the last few years is now available for PC.
Players Unknown Battleground (PUBG) has been winning every gamer’s heart since its very start.
It features everything that a gamer craves for from engaging gameplay, realistic guns, and pleasing graphics.
With its rising popularity, the makers were forced to make a PUBG PC version of the game, and it has been very well received.
2. Call of Duty: Warzone
Activision’s Call of Duty: Warzone is a battle royale video game available on multiple platforms.
The Call of Duty game series has been there since 2003, providing gamers First Person shooting experience in a war-like environment.
With Call of Duty’s popularity and the fact that Warzone was available for free, the game had a mammoth 30 million+ users in the first 10 days.

3. Apex Legends
Apex legends is another battle royale game launched by gaming giants Electronic Arts and developed by Respawn Entertainment.
The game offers 13 different legends to choose from as your character, each with unique abilities that set them apart.
The maps in apex legends are huge compared to other battle royale games, which make its experience all the more different.
4. Valorant
Developed by Riot Games, known for their free to play multiplayer games, Valorant is another game in their collection.
Valorant is way different from the general Battle royale games like PUBG or Apex legends and has many similarities with Counter-Strike.
It offers one game mode very similar to that of counter-strike, in which one team has to plant a bomb, and the other has to defuse it.
What sets it apart is the character upgrades; you unlock new abilities through the game.
5. Crossfire West
Once one of the most popular one of the best PC games of the first-person shooter genre with more than 660 million users at one point, Crossfire was Korea’s Counter-Strike. Although it failed to gain popularity in the west, it did not stop the game’s success.
Crossfire triumphed in the mid-2000s when gamers were looking for an excellent first-person shooting game that brought something new to the table.
It provided several modes like a mutant escape, zombie mode, etc. which made it a must-have for every gamer.
Although its graphics fall way behind in today’s gaming world, it is still one of the top first-person shooting games.
6. Quake Champions
Quake Champions is part of the Quake multiplayer game series, which provides a first-person shooting experience.
In August 2018, the creators made the free games to play with friends. Despite its popularity, Quake is only available on PC and not on gaming consoles.
Quake champions offer several game modes like deathmatch, one vs. one, duels, etc. with quite an excellent selection of weapons.
7. Paladins
When it comes to free to play Hero-First person shooting games, Hi-Rez studio’s Paladins: Champions of the Realm is an undisputed winner.
Paladins offer dozens of hero character selection from different classes such as damage, flanker, front line, and support, each having different gameplay, providing a fresh experience in a single game.
You can also upgrade and customize your heroes, and with gaming modes like Onslaught, Siege, and DeathMatch, you get as many chances to try them.
8. Team Fortress 2
A game that doesn’t offer much but is still loved by gamers, Team fortress 2 makes it to the top list with its smooth and pleasing to the eye graphics and fast action, and extensive strategy gameplay.
It offers a few game modes such as move a cart, steals a briefcase, and capture locations with a simple 2 vs. 1 team gameplay.
Its comic style, pleasing graphics, and competitive gameplay set it apart from other first-person shooting games.
9. Warface
Next on your list of best FREE FPS PC games on Windows 10 comes Warface. While most first-person shooting games focus on providing combat multiplayer experience, Warface also offers a cooperative mode in which you complete a mission or play well in a team if you get rewarded.
Warface is developed by Crytek, who has developed many first-person shooting games, available over several platforms such as PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.
The game offers a class-based gaming approach with shooters, engineers, medics, etc. which makes the game a lot more strategic and fun.
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10. PlanetSide 2
Coming from the development houses such a Daybreak Game Company, Rogue Planet Games, and Sony Interactive Entertainment.
PlanetSide 2 is a vast online multiplayer first-person shooting game where you get to face hundreds of other players spread across 3 continents.
The game offers 5 classes sniper Infiltrator, the chunky Heavy Assault, with Light Assault, Medic, and Engineer with larger than life combat experience. It is nothing but a spectacle!
Frequently Asked Questions-
Q1. Are First Person Shooters Easier On PC?
Playing games on a PC and a gaming console are entirely different, and one can’t be deemed better. It entirely depends on the player’s choice and comfort of playing the game on a particular platform. Some PC Gamers find it easier to use the command of turning around and saving themselves while on PC. Others find it limited to move or run with the keyboard as compared to a gaming console.

Q2. What Is The Best FPS Game In The World?
Best Online Fps Games For Mac Os
There are several games in the category of First-person shooter PC games, and we have listed out some of the best-known games in the blog post. As per the popularity, the current favorite has to be the PUBG and Call Of Duty. Other games like Velorant, Team Fortress, and Warzone are also some of the world’s best FPS games.
Q3. Will PC Games Make Computers Slow?
This is a common problem faced by PC gamers; it is not always due to the games. But the computer can get slow because of various reasons. You can use Advanced System Optimizer to improve the speed of your computer. This will help in making the PC games play at an optimum speed.
Here were the 10 best PC games of the First Person Shooter genre that you can enjoy playing on your Windows 10 PC. We hope now you know where to download the best free first-person shooter games online for Windows 10? Are you a fan of First Person shooter games? Which one is your favorite from the above-mentioned list?
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Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments space below. Also, if you have any other favorite, let us know to add it to our list. We’d be more than happy to hear from you.
Best Online Fps Games For Mac Free
Games are the one of the best entertainment among the youths worldwide. With gaming contests and gaming shows taking place all round the year, there’s a feverish demand for games among the public. The demand of the gaming industry has also risen exponentially with the launch of gaming platforms and top-notch multimedia companies entering the gaming industry. Today we take a look at the top games in Mac. Previously the gamers had limited choices in games in Mac. But now after Apple switched to the architecture of Intel ×86, gaming in Mac has reached a all new level. Most of the top games in Mac are shooter games.
With improved graphics and animation, they have reached immense heights. So here are the top five games for MAC which can take your breath away:
1. Bio-shock
Bio-shock is an amazing first person shooter game. It has got some scientific and political undercurrents running throughout the games. It has some amazing weapons and one can have weird extraordinary powers as one progress through the game. This game is based upon a character in the novel “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand. The main character was Andrew Ryan in the book.
The story of the game is that scientists, through genetic engineering have started to impart super-human powers to the people of the place ‘Rapture’. But no limit is set as to how much powers can a person get. So an obvious side-effect which appears long-term is insanity. So the player will have to decide for themselves how much of superpower will they inject in themselves while exploring the areas. A unique and challenging game that will keep you hooked.
2. Star Wars – Knights of the Old Republic
This game can be easily said to be one of the top games of all time. The setting of the game is in the world of Star Wars. During every step of the game, minute decisions can get you to be a hero or to the negative side. One can for a team of his own warriors here, train in the powers of Jedi and much more. The possibilities are endless. Here the player plays the central role of a Jedi Knight. The mission is to explore the innumerable planets and eliminate the Dark Forge which grants power to the Sith, the dark wizards. A brilliant game which one must play if they have a fascination for Star Wars. So grab Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic whenever you can set aside a chunk of time for this highly engrossing game.
3. Call of Duty 4- The Modern warfare
Best Games For Mac
We all know the expectations that we have from ‘Call of Duty’ series and this version surely supersedes the previous ones. Call of Duty 4 is an awe inspiring war game in which you are a soldier navigating through the ground. Here you can drive tanks, fly aeroplanes, call for air-strikes and do virtually anything you can imagine. This game has also an enticing storyline like all ‘Call of Duty’ games has which will keep you captivated till the end. The hype doesn’t betray the hope when it comes to this game.
4. Modern Combat – Domination
Modern Combat Domination is strictly a multiplayer game. The game has six multiplayer modes and five maps. This game is typically played through matches where one begins with a limited cash to buy inventories and weapons. And as you win, your level increases and there is more items through which one can customize his character. One of the main reasons for which Modern Combat sells well is because it is move compatible. The game has an amazing responsive and tight motion controls. The only downside to this game is the beginners will have to put in an extra few hours to upgrade their gears and inventory. Overall, a game with good, if not great gameplay and graphics.
5. Civilization 4 – Colonization
Best Online Fps Games For Mac Games
Civilization 4 is a strategy game which covers almost every era of human civilization. This game has a more micro approach in which one has to construct a city, make it self-reliant economically and then seek independence by fighting with the armies of the king’s. A one progresses through the game one will be pleasantly surprised by the new strategies that he will discover and the many twists and turns of the game. Overall a game which can keep you addicted for hours.
So for all those who would love to catch some brilliant games on their Mac, go for these games as soon as possible. And enjoy the ride through the adventures and fantasies!
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