Redis Client Mac Os X

  1. Mac Install Redis Cli
  2. Mac Redis Client
  3. Redis Client Mac Os X 10.10



  • 客户端向服务器发送请求,并读取套接字, 通常以阻塞的方式等待服务器响应。
  • 服务器处理请求并将响应结果返回给客户端。

So for instance a four commands sequence is something like this:

Redis is often referred as a data structures server. What this means is that Redis provides access to mutable data structures via a set of commands, which are sent using a server-client model with TCP sockets and a simple protocol. So different processes can query and modify the same data structures in. From the developer: iRedis is a client that connects to the Redis server. The tool supports connecting to Redis server and Redis cluster server. It offers to display and copy Redis Key values (String, Hash, Set, List, SortedSet). The app supports simultaneous monitor servers at the same time, as well as simultaneous Subscribe and Pattern Subscribe multiple channels. To install Redis in OS X without using a compiler, you’ll use a Python utility called Rudix, which installs precompiled binaries for a variety of software. Conveniently, as of this writing it includes an installer for the most recent version of Redis. To download and install Rudix and Redis, you should open a Terminal. Official website: QuickRedis is a free foreverRedis Desktop manager. It supports direct connection, sentinel, and cluster mode, supports multiple languages, supports hundreds of millions of keys, and has an amazing UI. Supports both Windows, Mac OS X and Linux platform.

  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 1
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 2
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 3
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 4

客户端群和服务器群之间通过网络连接。 Such a link can be very fast (a loopback interface) or very slow (a connection established over the Internet with many hops between the two hosts). Whatever the network latency is, there is a time for the packets to travel from the client to the server, and back from the server to the client to carry the reply.

这个时间叫往返时延。显而易见, how this can affect the performances when a client needs to perform many requests in a row (for instance adding many elements to the same list, or populating a database with many keys). For instance if the RTT time is 250 milliseconds (in the case of a very slow link over the Internet), even if the server is able to process 100k requests per second, we'll be able to process at max four requests per second.

If the interface used is a loopback interface, the RTT is much shorter (for instance my host reports 0,044 milliseconds pinging, but it is still a lot if you need to perform many writes in a row.

Fortunately there is a way to improve this use cases.


Redis Pipelining

A Request/Response server can be implemented so that it is able to process new requests even if the client didn't already read the old responses. This way it is possible to send multiple commands to the server without waiting for the replies at all, and finally read the replies in a single step.

This is called pipelining, and is a technique widely in use since many decades. For instance many POP3 protocol implementations already supported this feature, dramatically speeding up the process of downloading new emails from the server.

Redis supports pipelining since the very early days, so whatever version you are running, you can use pipelining with Redis. This is an example using the raw netcat utility:

This time we are not paying the cost of RTT for every call, but just one time for the three commands.

To be very explicit, with pipelining the order of operations of our very first example will be the following:

  • Client: INCR X
  • Client: INCR X
  • Client: INCR X
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 1
  • Server: 2
  • Server: 3
  • Server: 4

IMPORTANT NOTE: while the client sends commands using pipelining, the server will be forced to queue the replies, using memory. So if you need to send many many commands with pipelining it's better to send this commands up to a given reasonable number, for instance 10k commands, read the replies, and send again other 10k commands and so forth. The speed will be nearly the same, but the additional memory used will be at max the amount needed to queue the replies for this 10k commands.


Some benchmark

Mac Install Redis Cli

In the following benchmark we'll use the Redis Ruby client, supporting pipelining, to test the speed improvement due to pipelining:

Running the above simple script will provide this figures in my Mac OS X system, running over the loopback interface, where pipelining will provide the smallest improvement as the RTT is already pretty low:

As you can see using pipelining we improved the transfer by a factor of five.

Pipelining VS Scripting

Mac Redis Client

Using Redis scripting (available in Redis version 2.6 or greater) a number of use cases for pipelining can be addressed more efficiently using scripts that perform a lot of the work needed server side. A big advantage of scripting is that it is able to both read and write data with minimal latency, making operations like read, compute, write very fast (pipelining can't help in this scenario since the client needs the reply of the read command before it can call the write command).

Redis Client Mac Os X 10.10

Sometimes the application may also want to send EVAL or EVALSHA commands in a pipeline. This is entirely possible and Redis explicitly supports it with the SCRIPT LOAD command (it guarantees that EVALSHA can be called without the risk of failing).